Travel report: Family bike tour on Lake Constance

From Kristina and her family

Kristina and her family decided on a cycling trip with the whole family on Lake Constance starting in Constance during their challenging search for the perfect family vacation. There were some interesting attractions to discover. The parents, 14-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter really enjoyed their first cycling trip together in summer 2019. Why? Read and see here!

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The cycle tour

After a traffic jam-free journey from the Ruhr area, we first spent two days in Constance to get in the mood for our vacation. The rental bikes were picked up quickly and so we started our cycling trip in a good mood.

Day 1: Rain, rain, rain, ...

Unfortunately, the first day of cycling was completely rainy, so we - wrapped up in rain jackets and rain pants - cycled the first stretch from Constance to Uhldingen quickly, true to the motto "eyes closed and through". A visit to the really impressive Pfahlbaumuseum, which was particularly interesting for children, made up for the day.

Day 2: Sunshine!

On the second day, we cycled in the sunshine from Uhldingen to Immenstaad and from there took the boat to Friedrichshafen, where we visited the Zeppelin Museum. This museum is also a great tip for families, even our somewhat museum-phobic daughter had fun there, especially trying out some of the experimental stations.

Day 3: Cycling routine

On the third day's tour from Friedrichshafen to Lindau, we were already well prepared for each other:

  • Our daughter, as the youngest, led the way so that she could set the pace.
  • Stopping only on hand signals so that there were no accidents.
  • Always keeping an eye on the cycle path signs.

Lindau impressed us as a town and a swim in Lake Constance brought this wonderful summer day to a close.

Day 4: Rain again, brisk cycling

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The fourth day (from Lindau to Rorschach) was unfortunately completely rainy again. Surprisingly, the rain didn't bother us that much. We just thought it was a shame that on such rainy days you don't really have a view of the beautiful landscape, you just want to get there quickly. So we cycled quickly from Germany through Austria to Switzerland, where at least the rain stopped.

Child in front of bridge
View of the Obersee

Day 5: Back to Constance

The last day's tour took us from Rorschach back to Constance, where we very wistfully handed in our rental bikes.

Kristina's conclusion

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We would have liked to have cycled one more day, especially as even the longer distances of 40 km were not really strenuous for any of us, even our daughter was able to cycle these distances well. However, she would have still had the energy, but no desire to cycle even longer distances.

The cycle tour was superbly organized: Rental bikes, luggage transportation, hotels and travel documents. We found it very relaxing that we were only allowed to cycle and didn't have to worry about anything else. We all agree that we will definitely go on another cycling vacation.