Travel report: Cycle tour from Bolzano to Venice

From our employees Larissa and Lena

Das Panorama am Gardasee

weite Felder

Die Etsch

Ein Park in Verona

Grüne Wiese


bei Padua

La dolce vita - the sweet life - is inevitably associated with Italy as a vacation destination. This was also the guiding principle of our colleagues Larissa and Lena on their cycle tour from Bolzano to Venice. Despite the rainy start, they had wonderful days in northern Italy - and the sun was not long in coming either. This trip from South Tyrol to the Adriatic is one of our bestsellers. Will Larissa and Lena confirm this?

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We chose Italy for our first big bike tour. We, that's my colleague Lena and me. The route appealed to us right from the start and the level of difficulty advertised encouraged us to decide that we would manage the tour without overestimating ourselves as newbies.

Early in the morning, we set off on the bus to Bolzano, away from rainy Germany. Unfortunately, the weather is no better in Bolzano, but with the help of the travel documents and the city map of Bolzano, we check into our first hotel quickly and reasonably dry. We make our way to the information meeting on foot. It's a short tour. The tour booklet is explained to us again, the stages are described (gradients, interesting places along the route, things to see) and then we are allowed to test the bikes and ask questions. Afterwards, we stroll through the streets of Bolzano, have dinner in one of the many restaurants and the first day draws to a close.

Larissa Großhardt

Bolzano - Trento, approx. 70 km:

It's been raining and raining and raining, non-stop, since we woke up and it's 14 degrees. After much deliberation, we decide not to cycle today's stage. After breakfast, we make our way to the train station. Less than an hour later, we are on the train to Trento. After a half-hour journey, we are already there - the water is almost on the streets and we are all the more pleased about our decision not to cycle today! 

After checking in and having lunch at the hotel, we went out again - the weather still hasn't calmed down, but we want to see Trento! There is a beautiful park with a pond and ducks, small alleyways with lots of cafés and impressive squares. We visited the Cathedral of San Vigilio and marveled at the Bar Tridente fountain in the cathedral square. We ended the rainy but eventful day in a restaurant there.


Trento - Sirmione, approx. 50 km + boat trip

The clouds have cleared and we feel ready for our first day of cycling! We're on the saddle at 9 a.m. sharp - as the boat trip across Lake Garda is due today, we have to arrive in Riva on time. There is a dedicated tarmac cycle path that leads along meadows and orchards, between the impressive mountains - it's just wonderful! We follow the Adige southwards. In the late morning, we ride into a small town to take a coffee break, the Italian Dolce Vita is palpable! 

In Mori, we have the feeling that we've lost our way, we were driving along the road and couldn't find the "Centro" - we were about to turn around when we spotted a sticker from the local partner pointing the way! We are right: and there is already the ice cream parlor, where an ice cream tasting awaits us! There are still a few climbs to overcome, but the view of Lake Garda rewards us for our efforts! A quick lunch in Riva and off we go on the boat with our bikes - on the 4-hour crossing to the southern end of Lake Garda. Cyclists are allowed on the boat first and the crew helps to stow the bikes! On arrival in Sirmione, we find our hotel and set off again straight away, as we don't have much time to enjoy the flair of the peninsula anyway due to the late arrival by boat.


Sirmione - Verona, approx. 50 km

Leaving Sirmione proved problematic, possibly due to all the good white wine we had yesterday. It took some time before we finally found a way out of the city. Italian weekly markets are incredibly beautiful - but unfortunately, this one is right in the street we are supposed to cycle through. But we have the whole day and an alternative route is found straight away. 

Today's cycle route takes us through the hinterland, always close to the road. We knew that today's stage would be strenuous. To be honest, however, the easy hills feel like real climbs to me. After a coffee break, I'm in a good mood again and the route becomes more beautiful, we cycle along an embankment on an unpaved cycle path and enjoy the peace and quiet and the good weather. We took a lunch break in Sommacampagna, unfortunately all the restaurants are siesta (closed for lunch) or ferie (on vacation). But one café is always open and fortunately, they also serve panini. We continue along busy roads in the direction of Verona. We let out a short cry of joy at the Verona town sign! But shortly before our destination, we got lost in Verona. But in Italy, asking questions is a good way to get ahead and we arrived at our hotel in the city of Romeo and Juliet.

A park in Verona

Verona - Vicenza, approx. 70 km

We set off on another sunny, warm day, with the monster stage on the agenda today. The first 30 kilometers can be shortened by train. We tested this option, simply stowed our bikes on the train and then arrived in San Bonifacio. After cycling in circles several times in warm 30 degree weather, we found our way out of San Bonifacio and back onto the cycle path. 

Unfortunately, the stage is mainly along or directly on roads, with a very nice section through vineyards and quiet countryside in between. We cycled the highest of the Berici hills at a leisurely pace with plenty of breaks. We then cycled the last stretch downhill towards Vicenza through beautiful villages with magnificent villas and a special flair. Vicenza is definitely worth a visit! There is a large shopping street, the typical Italian style of the alleyways and a great atmosphere.

Wide fields in the surrounding area

Vicenza - Abano Terme, approx. 45 km

After a good night's sleep, we set off again in good spirits, as today's stage is relatively short and flat. We easily find our way out of the city and find ourselves on a paved cycle path. For the first few kilometers, this leads us along the outskirts of towns and flower meadows. The first section of the stage leads through the hinterland - there is a lot to see: Villas, old houses and lots of nature. 

The second half is more often along the road and through residential areas. Unfortunately, the search for lunch turned out to be difficult again. The last few kilometers lead along a gravel road to Abano Terme. There is a very pleasant atmosphere here, it is quiet and you immediately notice that this is a spa town. In the evening, we stopped off at a good pizzeria and reviewed today's tour over a glass of wine.

Stone staircase with statues

Abano Terme - Venice (Mestre), approx. 50 km

Weather forecast for today: 20 degrees and thunderstorms - so we put on warmer clothes, which we regretted after the first few kilometers. It's 29 degrees again. We ride along unused roads, along a dam again and finally end up directly in Padua. 

A few photos and a short break later, we continue along a busy road. We ride through many villages and larger towns, we think we can already smell the sea air. The route is very well described and signposted, so we quickly find our way to the train station in Mestre and then the last stretch to the hotel. Just in time, because it's already starting to rain.


Our conclusion

The day comes to an end and with it our eight-day cycle tour. All in all, the cycle tour is highly recommended and we really enjoyed it. You cycle through small and larger villages and towns and discover many things that you wouldn't have seen by car. The overnight stops are all absolutely worth seeing.

Lake Garda